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Xsd To Sql

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Oracle9i XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK
Release 2 (9.2)

Part Number A96621-01


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This chapter contains the following sections:

Xsd to sql free download. XML Editor/Validator/Designer with CAMV The CAM editor is the leading open source XML Editor/Validation/Schema toolset for rapidly building.

XML Schema Collections (SQL Server); 8 minutes to read +2; In this article. Applies to: SQL Server (all supported versions) Azure SQL Database As described in the topic, xml (Transact-SQL), SQL Server provides native storage of XML data through the xml data type. Until recently, when thinking about the relationship between SQL and XML, the emphasis has been on converting SQL table data into XML to make it accessible on the Internet. SQL:2008 addressed the complementary problem of converting XML data into SQL tables so that it can be easily queried using standard SQL statements. The XMLTABLE pseudo-function. I have an XSD file describing the structure of a database (basicly tables and their columns) and I am looking for a way to translate this into a T-SQL script or directly import this file into the SQL Server 2008 and thus create a database.

Oracle XML Schema Processor for PL/SQL

The XML Schema Processor for Java is a component of the XDK that supports simple and complex datatypes in XML applications.

Building Server-Side XML Schema Validation

This chapter gives an introduction to the XML schema validation process using the XDK for Java and discusses how to build an Oracle Java Stored Procedure to perform the schema validation on the server-side of the Oracle Database. The included sample code also demonstrates the deployment procedure for Java Stored Procedures.

XML Schema Validation can provide a flexible and portable form of data validation for use in your applications. You can implement the XML validation process in your client-side or mid-tier applications, but if you want to have either:

  • control of data validation whenever the data is updated or inserted, or
  • use of the data management capability of the Oracle database,

then putting your data validation process inside a trigger or your PL/SQL procedures on the server-side is a good solution. Since there is not a builtin PL/SQL API to do XML Schema validation, we can create one using Java Stored Procedures.

The first step in building a Java Stored Procedure for XML Schema validation is to select the components and decide the environment requirements. The components you need are:

  • XML Schema Processor for Java (xschema.jar])
  • XML Parser for Java (xmlparserv2.jar)

Both of these are part of the Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java. The Oracle database (8.1.6 version and above) is also needed because these versions fully support Java Stored Procedures.

If you download the XDK for Java and have an Oracle 8.1.6 database or above, you can follow the following steps to build the Java Stored Procedure and take advantage of XML Schema for data validation.

See Also:

Download XML Developers Kit for Java from the Oracle Technology Network:

Source code for the demo is

Creating the Java Classes for XML Schema Validation

To build the Java Class for XML Schema Validation, two XDK packages, XML Schema Processor and XML Parser are needed:

To be able to accept the inputs from PL/SQL, we need another package:

You need to set xmlparserv2.jar, xschema.jar and in the CLASSPATH. The JDBC library is for JDK 1.2.x. If you are using JDK 1.1.x, is required.

The SchemaUtil Class is:

This class defines a single method, validation, which does the XML Schema validation for the input XML document and returns the error messages.

To compile the class, use following command line:

This produces the compiled Java class, SchemaUtil.class.

Loading and Resolving the Java Class

Convert Xsd To Sql Schema

With the utility loadjava, you can upload the Java source, class, and resource files into an Oracle database, where they are stored as Java schema objects. You can run loadjava from the command line or from an application, and you can specify several options, including a resolver. Make sure you have $ORACLE_HOMEbin in your System Path to be able to run loadjava.

Before loading the SchemUtil.class into the database, you need to check if the correct version of the two dependent XDK packages are loaded into the logon database schema (in this case xdkdemo/xdkdemo).

To check the status of the oracle.xml.parser.v2.DOMParser class, you can use the following SQL statement:

If you see the result:

then the Oracle XML Parser for Java is already installed and ready to be used.

If you see the preceding result, but the status is INVALID, try the command:

If the verification procedure produces the SQL*Plus message 'no rows selected', you need to load the XML Parser into the database by:

|If the parser is installed, then you do not need to complete any further installation steps. The SQL command for status checking will be:


Before loading the SchemaUtil.class, make sure that the loaded XML Parser has the same version with which you compiled the SchemaUtil.class. The following code can be used to check the current version of the loaded Oracle XML Parser:

Tick tock: a tale for two 1 0 download free. Then by issuing the command:

You should receive the following result: 1password 6 8 2 – powerful password manager.

If the version does not match, you need to drop the package and reload it. To drop the package, you can issue the following command line:

Once all of the versions are synchronizeded, you can finally load the SchemaUtil.class by: Progressive downloader 4 6 crack.

Publishing the Java Class by Defining the Specification

For each Java method callable from SQL, you must write a call specification in Java, which exposes the method's top-level entry point to the Oracle server. Serial box 2016 02 download free.

Now the Java stored procedure specification is created, both SQL and PL/SQL can call it as if it were a PL/SQL function.

Example Using the Stored Procedures

You can call Java stored procedures from SQL DML statements, PL/SQL blocks, and PL/SQL subprograms. Using the SQL CALL statement, you can also call them from the top level (from SQL*Plus, for example) and from database triggers. The following example shows how to do XML Schema Validation using the created Java stored procedure.

Creating a Database Schema to store XML and XML Schema Documents

Loading the XML Schema Document into the Database

You can use the SQL commands to insert the data in DBData.sql:

Calling the Java Stored Procedure from the Trigger of the xml_tab Table

For the date with the you can execute the command and get the following result:

You can now use this Java Stored Procedure to validate the XML document using PL/SQL.

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All Rights Reserved.


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To convert XML to SQL some wizardry is needed. Unlike CSV files and database tables, XML files aren't naturally organized into rows and columns: XML is hierarchical. In this way XML is similar to JSON.

In order to convert XML to SQL then, SQLizer must work out how to flatten XML data into a tabular form.

Here's how to convert XML to SQL with SQLizer:

Here's a video showing the exact steps to convert XML to SQL in 30 seconds.

SQLizer makes converting XML files to SQL easy peasy but if you want to know how to do it yourself and build your own script, there are a few things to consider.

How to convert XML to SQL yourself

Because of the hierarchical nature of XML, any XML data must first be 'flattened'. SQLizer achieves this by converting each XML element containing data into a row; and attributes into columns.

If you need to convert XML to SQL your initial XML file will look something like this:

?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?Products Product name='widgets' Order customer_id='9' order_date='01/01/2014'/ Order customer_id='3' order_date='01/02/2014'/ Order customer_id='6' order_date='01/03/2014'/ Order customer_id='12' order_date='01/04/2014'/ /Product/Products

However, this needs flattening before you can convert it into SQL. SQLizer flattens the above XML data into the following named columns:

  • Products
  • Products_Product
  • Products_Product_name
  • Products_Product_id
  • Products_Product_Order
  • Products_Product_Order_customer_id
  • Products_Product_Order_order_date
  • Products_Product_Order_id

Now we can convert into SQL. Here's the resulting SQL script after SQLizer works its magic:

Xsd To Sql Script

CREATE TABLE test2 ( Products NUMERIC(32, 16), Products_Product NUMERIC(32, 16), Products_Product_name VARCHAR(7) CHARACTER SET utf8, Products_Product_id NUMERIC(32, 16), Products_Product_Order NUMERIC(32, 16), Products_Product_Order_customer_id NUMERIC(32, 16), Products_Product_Order_order_date DATETIME, Products_Product_Order_id NUMERIC(32, 16));INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (NULL,NULL,'widgets',1234,NULL,9,'2014-01-01 00:00:00',1);INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (NULL,NULL,'widgets',1234,NULL,3,'2014-01-02 00:00:00',2);INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (NULL,NULL,'widgets',1234,NULL,6,'2014-01-03 00:00:00',3);INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (NULL,NULL,'widgets',1234,NULL,12,'2014-01-04 00:00:00',4);

As you can see, the flattened XML has been successfully converted into SQL INSERT statements, ready for importing to your SQL database.

One other thing to note: XML is case sensitive, so any script or SQL statement you write must reflect the original XML data. If it doesn't, you'll end up with errors.

Automate your conversions

While it's nice to know the ins and outs of how to convert XML to SQL, it's a lot nicer to know how it works and have it done for you by a reliable tool.

Skyrim realistic weapons mod. SQLizer converts XML files to SQL databases in as little as 30 seconds - so now you know how it works, you may as well convert your file!

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